Compare Nationwide Pet Insurance

Comparison Fact Sheet (Dogs and Cats)
Updated 03/01/2025

To get the most from these sheets, please read the Guide to Pet Insurance first.

In the spring of 2024, Nationwide unexpectedly announced it was canceling 100,000+ policies. This left a lot of pet owners in an extremely bad situation. Pet owners reported that they were not grandfathered into another policy with Nationwide.

This meant that any medical conditions covered under the canceled policy could be deemed pre-existing under a new policy within Nationwide or under a new policy with a different pet insurance company. This may be okay for young pets with no conditions, but many people reported that their older pets with chronic incurable conditions were dropped.

None of this is acceptable no matter what reasons a company may give. A pet owner needs to have assurance that the policy will be there for them for the life of their pet. Otherwise, what is the point of having pet insurance. Trust is earned, not given.

For these reasons, I cannot recommend Nationwide Pet Insurance at this time.

Company Info
Company Name Nationwide
Also Known As / Affiliates / Partners Formally Known As: VPI or Veterinary Pet Insurance
Address P.O. Box 183143
Columbus, OH 43218-3143
Phone 1-888-899-4874
Plans That Provide Both Accident and Illness Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan *
The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Whole Pet Plan *

Major Medical Plan *
States Covered Not all plans are available in all states
Underwriter and AM Best Financial Strength Rating Insurance underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (in California) and National Casualty Company (in all other states)

Veterinary Pet Insurance Company has an AM Best Financial Strength Rating of "A" and an Outlook of "Stable" as of 3/1/2025.

National Casualty Company has an AM Best Financial Strength Rating of "A" and an Outlook of "Stable" as of 3/1/2025.

For the most recent ratings go to: AM Best
Year Company Started VPI was started in 1982. Nationwide acquired VPI in 2015.


Policy Basics
Policy Term Not Clear
Effective Date The Effective Date will be listed on the Declarations Page of your policy after you apply and are accepted.
Enrollment Age Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Minimum age = 8 weeks
Maximum age = 8 years

Whole Pet Plan
Minimum age = Greater than 1 year
Maximum age = Not Clear

Major Medical Plan
9 years and younger
Cancellation Policy Ask for a current copy of their insurance policy so that you may review their cancellation policy
Waiting Period Modular Pet Insurance Plan
14 days for illness

14 days for accidents

12 months for cruciate and meniscal damage or rupture

It is not clear if there is a waiting period for hip dysplasia

Whole Pet Plan
14 days for illness

14 days for accidents

12 months for cruciate and meniscal damage or rupture

It is not clear if there is a waiting period for hip dysplasia

Major Medical Plan
14 days for illness

14 days for accidents

12 months for cruciate and meniscal damage or rupture

12 months for hip dysplasia

12 months for hereditary conditions

**Waiting Periods can vary by state. See actual policy or contact Nationwide to confirm the waiting periods for your state.
Waiting Period for Cruciate Injury Modular Pet Insurance Plan
12 months for cruciate and meniscal damage or rupture.

Based on wording in sample policy, it appears that cruciate coverage may be an optional add-on. After 12 months has passed, you must remember to call the company and apply for it as it is not automatically available in the base plan.

Whole Pet Plan
12 months

Major Medical Plan
12 months after which there are monetary limits.
Coverage When Travel Out of State or Country? You can choose any licensed veterinarian worldwide
Can the Price of the Policy Increase as my Pet Ages? Yes, the policy premium can increase as your pet ages. The premium may also increase due to inflation or other reasons.

Contact the company for more information on when and by how much your premium may increase.
Does Coverage Stop Due to Age? Not Clear
What Happens when the Policy Renews? Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Continual Chronic conditions coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Whole Pet Plan
Chronic conditions will continue to be covered each year as long as you do not go over your Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Major Medical Plan
Coverage for chronic conditions in subsequent years is available up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment. Benefit schedule allowances are reset every policy year.

Can the Price of the Policy Increase if a Claim is Filed? Not Clear

The Modular Pet Insurance Plan does appear to use a utilization level factor when calculating initial/renewal premium pricing.
Choice of Vet? You can choose any licensed veterinarian worldwide
Money Back Guarantee? Availability and number of days varies by state.
Surcharge for Visiting a Specialist or Emergency Clinic? No
Referral needed to Visit a Specialist? No
Pre-certification Required? No
Additional Requirements **See actual policy or contact Nationwide for a complete list of the requirements you are expected to adhere to in order to maintain coverage.
Pet Insurance Policy Available for Pre-Purchase Review? Sample policy available online


What's Covered
Species Covered Dogs and Cats
Accident/Injury -
Baseline Coverage
Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Covers examinations, diagnostics and lab tests, surgery, treatments, hospitalization, prescription medication.

Whole Pet Plan
Covers examinations, diagnostics and lab tests, surgery, treatments, hospitalization, prescription medication.

Major Medical Plan
Coverage for diagnostics and treatments of eligible accidents is available. Diagnosis/treatment must be listed in the benefit schedule to be covered. Monetary coverage is up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment.
Illness -
Baseline Coverage
Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Covers examinations, diagnostics and lab tests, surgery, treatments, hospitalization, prescription medication when Illness coverage is included. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional so you must make sure this box is checked to receive this coverage.

Whole Pet Plan
Covers examinations, diagnostics and lab tests, surgery, treatments, hospitalization, prescription medication.

Major Medical Plan
Coverage for diagnostics and treatments of eligible illnesses is available. Diagnosis/treatment must be listed in the benefit schedule to be covered. Monetary coverage is up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment.
Behavioral Therapy Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Based on wording in sample policy, it appears that Behavioral Therapy coverage may be an optional add-on in some states.

**See actual policy or contact the company for a complete description of what types of Behavioral Therapy are covered.

Whole Pet Plan
According to their website, They do not cover "...behavioral training, therapy or treatment that is: (1) not prescribed by a veterinarian or (2) pet obedience training, , regardless of who performs it"

**See actual policy or contact the company for a complete description of what types of Behavioral Therapy are covered

Major Medical Plan
Not Covered
Alternative Therapy Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan
[INCLUDED] Alternative therapy must be performed or prescribed by a licensed veterinarian for a covered condition.

Whole Pet Plan
[INCLUDED] Alternative therapy must be performed or prescribed by a licensed veterinarian for a covered condition.

Major Medical Plan
Not clear if it is covered.

***See actual policy or contact Nationwide for a complete description of what types of Alternative Therapy are covered.
Pre-existing Conditions Policy Pre-existing conditions are not covered.

Modular Pet Insurance Plan
According to the Modular Pet Insurance policy a "Pre-existing condition means any condition that began or was contracted, manifested, or incurred before the effective date of this policy or during any waiting period, whether or not the condition was discovered, diagnosed, or treated."

Whole Pet Plan & Major Medical Plan
According to the Whole Pet policy a pre-existing condition is "...any condition that began or was contracted, manifested, or incurred up to twelve (12) months before the effective date of this policy or during any waiting period, whether or not the condition was discovered, diagnosed, or treated. A chronic condition is a pre-existing condition unless it began after the effective date of this policy."

**See actual policy or contact Nationwide for complete description of their pre-existing conditions policy.
Hereditary & Congenital Conditions Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Hereditary and Congenital coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional. Illness coverage comes with removable Hereditary and Congenital coverage.

Hereditary and Congenital conditions (including hip dysplasia) will only be covered up to $5,000/year.

Whole Pet Plan
Their website explicitly states Hereditary conditions are covered. However, it is unclear whether or not Congenital conditions are covered. Conditions that are covered are covered up to the Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Major Medical Plan

Congenital/developmental defects are not covered.

Certain hereditary conditions are excluded.

With the Nationwide Major Medical Plan, coverage for "specified ineligible conditions" (many of which are hereditary conditions) becomes available after you've had the plan for one year. The monetary limits on this coverage are $275 per policy term toward diagnosis or medical treatment and $550 per policy term for surgical treatment.

These monetary limits are per policy term and are for any incident or treatment of the conditions in their 'Ineligible Conditions' list. So if you use up your $275 or $550 on one condition in that list, no more money is available for any other condition on that list until policy renewal.

**See actual policy or contact Nationwide for a complete description of their Hereditary & Congenital Conditions Policy.
Continual Coverage for Chronic Conditions Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get this coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Whole Pet Plan
[INCLUDED] Continual coverage for chronic conditions is included in the policy.

Major Medical Plan
[INCLUDED] Continual coverage for chronic conditions is included in policy. Coverage for chronic conditions in subsequent years is available up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment. Benefit schedule allowances are reset every policy year. The condition must be listed on the Benefit Schedule in order to be covered.
Chronic Conditions Policy Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Chronic Conditions coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Chronic conditions are covered up to the Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Whole Pet Plan
Chronic Conditions are covered as long as they are not pre-existing and have not occurred during the waiting period.

Chronic conditions are covered up to the Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Major Medical Plan
Coverage for chronic conditions in subsequent years is available up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment. Benefit schedule allowances are reset every policy year. The condition must be listed on the Benefit Schedule in order to be covered. Chronic conditions that are pre-existing or that occur during the waiting period are not covered.

**See actual policy or contact Nationwide for a complete description of their Chronic Conditions Policy.
Cancer Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Cancer coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Whole Pet Plan
Cancer conditions are covered as long as they are not pre-existing and have not occurred during the waiting period.

Major Medical Plan
[LIMITED COVERAGE] Cancers listed in the benefit schedule are covered up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment. Benefit schedule allowances are reset every policy year.

If the cancer is not on the schedule, consider it is not covered. They do not cover cancers that are pre-existing or that occur during the waiting period. Cancers that are considered to be hereditary or genetic may not be covered.

(See 'Chronic Conditions Policy' section above)
Cancer Coverage Limits Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Cancer coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Cancer conditions are covered up to the Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Whole Pet Plan
Cancer conditions are covered up to the Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Major Medical Plan
Coverage for eligible cancers in subsequent years is available up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment. Benefit schedule allowances are reset every policy year.
Hip Dysplasia Modular Pet Insurance Plan
You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Hip Dysplasia coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Hereditary and Congenital conditions (including hip dysplasia) will only be covered up to $5,000/year.

Whole Pet Plan
Hip Dysplasia is covered as long as it is not pre-existing and has not occurred during the waiting period.

This condition is covered up to the Maximum Payout. (See 'Max Payout' section below)

Major Medical Plan
[LIMITED] With the Nationwide Major Medical Plan, coverage for hip dysplasia becomes available after you've had the plan for one year (This may vary by state). The monetary limits on this coverage are $275 per policy period toward diagnosis or medical treatment and $550 per policy period for surgical treatment.

These monetary limits are per policy term and are for any incident or treatment of the conditions in their 'Ineligible Conditions' list. So if you use up your $275 or $550 on one condition in that list, no more money is available for any other condition on that list until policy renewal.

With the Major Medical Plan, there is a 12 month waiting period for hip dysplasia.

(See 'Hereditary & Congenital Conditions Coverage' section above)
Prescription Drug Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Coverage for prescription drugs for covered medical conditions is included.

Whole Pet Plan
Coverage for prescription drugs for covered medical conditions is included.

Major Medical Plan
Coverage for prescription drugs for covered medical conditions is included up to the benefit allowance for the diagnosis/treatment. Benefit schedule allowances are reset every policy year. The condition must be listed on the Benefit Schedule in order to be covered.

**See actual policy or contact Nationwide for full list of inclusions and exclusions
Pregnancy Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Not Clear

Whole Pet Plan
Reimburses "a percentage of your veterinary bill, including expenses incurred for treatment of conditions related to pregnancy such as whelping, cesarean section and mastitis, providing these conditions are not pre-existing."

Major Medical Plan
Not Covered
Routine/Wellness Coverage Modular Pet Insurance Plan

Whole Pet Plan

Major Medical Plan

**See actual policy or contact Nationwide for complete description of their Wellness Coverage
Vaccinations See Routine/Wellness Coverage above for details
Spay/Neuter See Routine/Wellness Coverage above for details
Dental Care (Routine) See Routine/Wellness Coverage above for details
Dental Care (Illness/Accident) Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Not Clear

Whole Pet Plan
Not Clear

Major Medical Plan
[LIMITED COVERAGE] Only the dental conditions listed in their benefit schedules are covered.

**See benefit schedule, actual policy or contact Nationwide for a full list of inclusions and exclusions.
Bilateral Conditions Policy Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Not Clear

Whole Pet Plan
Not Clear

Major Medical Plan
Not Clear

**Contact the company for a list of medical conditions that are considered bilateral for the purpose of exclusion and for a complete description of their Bilateral Conditions Policy.
Coverage - Overview
(please read policy for full coverage details)
Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Diagnostics and treatments due to illness and accidents. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Whole Pet Plan
Diagnostics and treatments of eligible illness and accidents

Major Medical Plan
Diagnostics and treatments of eligible illnesses and accidents. Diagnosis/treatment must be listed in the benefit schedule to be covered.

**See benefit schedule, actual policy or contact Nationwide for full list of inclusions, exclusions, limitations and conditions.
What's not Covered - Overview
(partial listing, please read policy for full details)
Modular Pet Insurance Plan
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Conditions that occur during the waiting period
  • Grooming
Whole Pet Plan
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Conditions that occur during the waiting period
  • Grooming
Major Medical Plan
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Conditions that occur during the waiting period
  • Congenital Conditions
  • Certain Hereditary Conditions
  • Conditions not listed in the benefit schedule
...See policy for a complete listing


How The Policy Works
Reimbursement Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Choose from 50% to 80%
May vary by state.

Whole Pet Plan
Choose from 50% or 70%

Major Medical Plan
Reimbursement is based on defined via a Benefit Schedule
Deductible Modular Pet Insurance Plan
$250, $500 or $1,000 annually
May vary by state.

Whole Pet Plan
$250 annually

Major Medical Plan
$250 annually.
Flat Deductible vs % Deductible Flat
Deductible Per Incident vs Annual Deductible Annual deductible
How is Reimbursement Determined Modular Pet Insurance Plan
Not Clear

Whole Pet Plan
Reimbursement is based on UCR (usual and customary).

It is not clear if the reimbursements are calculated by taking the deductible first or the reimbursement percentage first.

Major Medical Plan
Benefit Schedule - This plan uses a benefit schedule to determine how much you will be reimbursed per diagnosis/treatment per policy year. The benefit schedule allowances are reset each year.
Max Payout Annually Modular Pet Insurance Plan
The maximum annual payout for Accidents is $2,500 or $5,000

The maximum annual payout for Illnesses is $5,000 or $10,000.

This may vary by state.

Hereditary and Congenital conditions will only be covered up to $5,000/year.

You must purchase accident AND illness coverage to get Hereditary and Congenital coverage. The way this plan is structured, illness coverage is optional.

Whole Pet Plan
This plan has $10,000 annual maximum payout.

Major Medical Plan
This plan has a maximum payout based on a benefit schedule allowance that resets every year.
Max Lifetime Payout Nationwide Pet Insurance does not have a maximum lifetime payout
Max Payout per Incident Modular Pet Insurance Plan
This plan does not have a maximum payout per incident

Whole Pet Plan
This plan does not have a maximum payout per incident.

Major Medical Plan
This plan does not have a maximum payout per incident, but there is a maximum payout based on a benefit schedule allowance. This allowance is reset every policy year.
Max Payout Based on Body System Nationwide Pet Insurance does not have a maximum payout based on body system
Client Reimbursed or Vet Paid Directly You pay the veterinarian and then you are reimbursed after you file the claim.


Approximate Monthly Costs Approximately $22 - $120 depending on plan, your location, etc


Additional Info
My Review Nationwide Review
What are Customers Saying?;

Also check with your state's Department of Insurance to see if any complaints have been filed for this company
Better Business Bureau
Additional Info  

*The information in the above charts applies to Nationwide's Whole Pet and Major Medical plans only. For information on other plans, please contact Nationwide.

**Disclaimer: These charts are created based on my research. While I do my best to stay current, information can change quickly. Also, terms and conditions can vary from state to state. Before buying a pet insurance plan, confirm all information by contacting the company or reading the most current policy for your state. We will not be held liable for errors or omissions. If you see something that is incorrect or needs clarifying, please let me know.

**Copyright: You are more than welcome to link to this website, in fact, it is greatly appreciated. However, a lot of time, energy and effort went into the production of this material so please do not copy and paste the contents of this chart/website into your website or written material.

If you use data from this website as a research point for your own website or written material, you must cite as the source.

All names, logos and trademarks in this site are the property of their respective owner(s).
