Pet Insurance Guide

Lesson 5:
What is the Cheapest Pet Insurance?

Do not base your pet insurance decision solely on the price. If you do, I guarantee you will not get the right coverage you need.

You will also waste your money. You will end up paying your cheap monthly premium plus the full veterinary bill because you got a plan with minimal coverage.

I'm not saying don't look for a good price, just make sure the plan has The Five Important Points of Coverage and The Right Maximum Payout

I'd rather see you adjust or play with the deductible and co-pay to bring the premium down, than to remove important pieces of coverage.

Just remember:
  • Choosing a higher deductible or co-pay will lower your premium, but the amount of money you will pay out of your pocket for medical treatment will be higher.
  • Choosing a lower deductible or co-pay will lower the amount of money you will pay out of your pocket for medical treatment, but your premium will be higher.
  • If you choose a very high deductible (e.g. $500 or more), make sure it is an annual deductible not a per-incident deductible or the insurance may never kick in.

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